Update Required? - this has been bugging me, a steady but jumbled stream of thoughts on my anxiety.
Disclaimer: Please consult a mental health professional for your care. I have no qualifications. These are just my own experiences and personal takeaways. I think a lot about what's wrong with me. Mentally to be specific. Paid lots of money to find out from a psychologist, a psychiatrist. They gave me answers. Answers that could be right or wrong. Answers that never felt like the answer . The answer that I could use to correct my personality. If I identified and fixed all the bugs in my software, I could install a new and improved version of my mind. I'm grateful I was able to get the answers from professionals in the first place but this nagging voice remained, how could I be sure of these labels I received, that they were the truth? It's all guesswork (educated) and observed groupings of symptoms, the diagnostic lines which psychologists drew in the DSM-5. Obviously, they're useful and reliable tools for diagnosis and treatment but it's a little unnerving that ...